Prof. Dr. Annemarie Fritz-Stratmann
Professor of Educational Psychology,
First Chairwoman
Dr. Erkan Gürsoy
Project Manager “German as a Second Lang. in All Subjects” at the University of Essen
Brigitte Klöckner-Hartstock
Former Schoolboard Director
Second Chairwoman
Prof. Dr. Gaby Herchert
Professor of Medieval Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Dr. Michael Kornau
Director of Private Banking and Generation Management
Dr. Albert Noll
Former Schoolboard Director
Dr. Lars Orbach
Clinical Psychologist, Licensed Psychotherapist
Scientific Board of Advisors
Prof. Dr. Antje Ehlert
Professor of Inclusionary Education at the University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Vitor G. Haase
Professor of Psychology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
Dr. Pekka Räsänen
Clinical Neuropsychologist, Division of Social and Health Services, City of Helsinki;
Head of Development at the Center of Learning Analytics at the University of Turku