We support disadvantaged students.

Akademie Wort+Zahl („Academy Word+Number“) is an international academy for intercultural education. We aim to support children and adolescents with learning difficulties, developmental issues, and/or social disadvantages in the education system. Our main focus is on mathematical learning difficulties.

• We offer research-based professional development trainings and workshops for parents and educators.
• We teach diagnostic skills that help recognize learning difficulties at the earliest possible stage.
• We offer evidence-based supportive measures for children with difficulties at school.

Professional Development

We offer research-based professional development trainings and workshops for parents, legal guardians, education students, teachers, and other educators.

Supportive Measures

We offer evidence-based, custom-fit supportive measures for children with special educational needs.

Focus on Research

We are involved in renowned national and international research projects to develop and test our very own supportive programs and diagnostic instruments.

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